Sejah Farm helps our community to grow, buy, and eat local.

15 Acre farm in the heart of St Croix.
What you can find on our farm
Fresh local fruit & vegetables
Plant seedlings
Local meats: lamb, goat, pork, chicken and rabbits
We raise and sell Boer Goats and Boer Goats crosses.
Need particular meats or special orders? Contact us!
Support Local Farmers.
97 % of the U.S. Virgin Islands food supply is imported.*
Why does that matter?
The U.S. Virgin Islands Food Security is at Risk
Based on the most recent Virgin Islands food audit, over $400,000,000 in food was imported annually.
Expanding a locally sourced Virgin Island Food system can change that with key elements::
Create demand for locally produced food
Support farmers to enable consistent local suppliers of commodities
Develop food industry facilities preservation, processing and storage
Ensure on-demand availability of local commodities

“The USVI’s agricultural industry has been without any significant governmental involvement for the last 56 years.
These issues drive us to serve as farmers, agriculture advocates conservationist and educators. .”
— Dale & Yvette Browne